Shakes: Sawn with a smooth surface

Shingles: Split with a natural grain/textured surface



A wood roof can be installed using products treated with Certi-Guard or Certi-Last to protect the material. If this is not the case, after 1-2 years it is recommended that a newly installed wood roof is treated with preservative. The roof can then be serviced approximately every 5 years for adequate protection. This can increase the lifespan of your roof exponentially.


Premature deterioration occurs on wood roofs when debris gathers, usually from surrounding vegetation. Excess moisture can then result in the growth of moss and fungus. Debris buildup may also result in leaks as the flow of run-off from precipitation is compromised. Removal of such debris can be done by sweeping or power-washing but this must be done with care to avoid further damage to the wood. When power-washing, the age and condition of the roof are considered so the appropriate pressure and distance is used.

Luckily shakes and shingles can be independently removed and replaced if splits or decay occurs. This eliminates the possibility of damage to surrounding areas which limits waste of product. In order to salvage the surface of roofs, power-washing is used to remove moss, leaves, and other debris.

Homeowners should have cleaning and treatment executed to salvage their roofs. Proper and frequent maintenance of your roof can help to avoid; dryness, brittleness, UV Ray damage, cupping, splitting, cracking, deteriorating ends, moss/fungus/mildew, infestation of insects & animals, and debris buildup. To counteract this , an oil treatment is applied to protect the roof from the elements.


RESILIENCE: After strong precipitation such as hail, wood fibers recover leaving little to no indentation.

WIND RESISTANCE: Cedar roofing has been found to be durable when faced with aggressive winds such as that of a hurricane. Wood shakes and shingles have the advantage of being a lightweight material with sound structure.


ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS: Wood is a renewable resource and trees removed are replaced for continuous growth. In many cases, wood roofing can incorporate salvaged wood from logging or fallen material found on the forrest floor. The removal and processing of wood product produces less Green House Gas Emissions as compared to other roofing materials. In addition, wood is recyclable. When shakes/shingles are made; all waste can be utilized in other industries. Wood material that is removed for repair or reconstruction is biodegradable. As compared to other roofing materials such as asphalt and other synthetic materials that last in landfills for decades. For perspective, wood can take around 15 years to decompose whereas asphalt takes 400 years. In conclusion, having a wood roof decreases your energy use and global warming potential. You are minimizing your carbon footprint.

RESILIENCE TO VARYING TEMPERATURES: Wood materials are resistant to thermal shock. Cedar holds up better than synthetic or composite materials in freeze-thaw conditions. Living in a region like North-eastern Ohio, we experience a large range of temperatures throughout the year that a wood roof or structure can withstand. Cedar’s energy efficiency can act as a shield from the extreme cold and warm conditions. This will keep your heating/cooling systems running efficiently which is also an economical advantage. Cedar Shingles have 2x the insulating value as compared to asphalt shingles, 4x the value of fiber-cement shingles, and 5x the value of slate

PROFITABILITY: Having a well-maintained wood roof increases the value of your home by enhancing the beauty of the structure, requiring lower upkeep, and increasing realty value as it is a long-term investment.